Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tempeh, Turmeric, and Trader's!

Pasta with tempeh "meat" sauce

I had carrot, onion, garlic as far as fresh vegetables go.  Chopped carrot finely and sauteed with chopped onion, garlic and cut or shredded tempeh in olive oil.  Once getting golden add pasta sauce and spices: I  used turmeric, oregano, paprika, and smoked pepper.   A splash of balsamic vinegar to deglaze the pan would be delicious.  Let this simmer until pasta done then add to drained whole wheat pasta. 

Tempeh is one of the healthiest versions of soy because it is fermented.  This breaks down the sometimes hard to digest proteins and other benefical compounds into a more human-friendly form.   Fermentation also creates 'new' healthy ingredients.

A 2 pot meal.

Mini Baked Potatoes and Eggs

I got a great deal on organic potatoes at Kroger the other day (potatoes are one of the 'dirty dozen,' make sure you always buy organic!).  The only other fresh vegetable I had were a few radishes and 1 head of romaine.  What for protein?  We picked up some fresh eggs from a family down the street on our way home from the park.

Cody always makes great fried potatoes and eggs for breakfast.  I decided to bake my potatoes because they were small and I figured it wouldn't take too long.

Scrub potatoes then pierce with a fork a few times, cover in olive oil, and place directly on rack in a 400-420 degree oven.  These little ones took just under an hour to be done.  Test with a fork until tender.

I made a salad, then fried the eggs once the potatoes were out.  Add a pat of butter to the center of each potato and top with a fried egg.  Couldn't be easier and of course, a very healthy meal :) 

Grains with Fresh Garlic and Ginger

For lunch I made some rice with quinoa and frozen vegetables.  I used the leftovers for dinner along with 'Masala Burgers' from Trader Joe's.

Cook brown rice until about 15-20 minutes remaining and add quinoa.  When grains are basically done, add frozen vegetables.  I used slivered green beans and lima beans for added protein since these vegetarian burgers don't actually have much protein in them.  Season as desired.  I have been into turmeric lately because it is so healthful and I somehow ended up with a lot of it!  I also used epazote, salt, pepper, butter, and dill. 

Cook 'burgers' according to directions. 
Before serving, mince some fresh garlic and grated ginger.  Encourage everyone to top their rice with as much as desired.  Adds a lot of flavor, freshness, and major health-packed  'superfood' bonus points to the meal!